There is no easy answer to that question. However, it is important to stay informed on key comparisons of your competitors financial health and viability.
When I worked for a college president, one of the major tasks he gave me was to find some possible merger partners. I found there was no easy way to compare multi-year trends using either IPEDS data or audited financial statements.
So, I created my own app that lets higher education stakeholders quickly and easily compare IPEDS data on the financial health and viabiity of public and private, 2 and 4-year colleges in the United States.
The number of closures and mergers may be small, but there will continue to be both.
Get regular college financial health and viability reports sent directly to your inbox. See Top 10 and Bottom 10 lists - and much more by state across 24 IPEDS data fields.
Your competitors are looking at your financial health and viability numbers. You might want to look at theirs also.